EVENT: ‘Christmas at Bicester’ with Porsche Club GB
Client: Porsche Club GB
Location: Bicester Heritage, Bicester
Date: 11th December 2022
On Sunday 11th December the former RAF Bombing Station, Bicester Heritage, was the focal point for the event with visitors greeted by the smell of freshly roasted chestnuts and the view of a gift wrapped 992 Cabriolet GTS filled with presents and surrounded by brightly lit Christmas trees. Themed displays of turbos, targas and RS models filled the centre of the hangar with some incredible examples of Porsches through the years.
The event from 9am until 5pm. For anyone needing to make a dent in their Christmas shopping or looking to treat themselves, the outer edges were lined with independent traders selling everything from automotive art, artisanal spirits, Christmas decorations and all kinds of delicious delicacies. We were there with our large branded Scalextric track for members to try and get the ‘Fastest Lap’ of the day. There were also performances from the Bicester Military Wives Choir and the Hotsie Totsies filled the air while the world’s tallest grinch patrolled the floor and kept everyone in line.

Back outside, as the Porsches kept rolling in throughout the day, we were even treated to a flurry of snow for that authentic festive feeling! Hidden away under hats, scarves and hoods, friendly and familiar faces emerged as people slowly recognised one another for one last catch-up at our end of season finale.
As with previous years, visitors were invited to bring donations for The Trussell Trust food bank and Porsche Club GB were absolutely overwhelmed with the incredible response this year. The flatbed of the Porsche Classic VW “Doka” was used as the donation point, but became so full that throughout the day, bags and boxes of donations had to be carried across to our own work van, until that too was full.
CLICK HERE for Scalextric hire and branding options for your event.