Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd have had a scalextric track that they have been using at their exhibitions for the last few year’s. This summer they decided they needed it revamping, so they contacted us and asked if we could do it for them.
To start off, we replaced all the track and soldered it all together to give it better reliability. We also installed power taps between the 2 table’s to help with this too. We also found that the scalextric touring cars did not like the elevation change, so we modified them to deal with that issue.
The next job on the list was to revamp the pond, the difference really lightened up the track. We also replaced the plastic grand stands with awesome wooden ones which we then custom painted to the Yuasa Battery colours.
Last of all we revamped all the grassy and tree areas to blend the colours better and also added some different shades to give the track more of natural look, and of course added some wild animals to finish it off.
We then returned the track with the new wireless system to make the racing experience even better. Ian & Doug really enjoyed this project adding their little touches to this great little track.

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